Translation/ interpretation resource.

Leveraging the power of african languages

It is recognised that Africa is a very diverse place. While the myriad of languages the continent boasts are a testament to the ingenuity and sagacity of our forebears it is obvious being more accessible to each other in modern times can lead to more opportunities and improve the chances for greater solidarity across the continent irrespective of whether individuals only speak a colonial legacy language or a native African one.

The language bank aims to act as a resource/ database that contains details of people who speak/ write 2 or more languages and are willing to volunteer to provide language (translation/ interpretation) support for AGN projects. The bank will aim to do the following;

* facilitate communication between different members of AGN who only speak one language fluently, thus expanding the range of expertise and perspectives available to any team assembled for a particular project.

* provide a similar service to a select/ small group of charities/ community groups.

* act as a conduit to the under utilized resource of Africans who have brilliant minds and/ or talents but only speak their native language, and have never attended any formal learning institution.

It is concerning that poverty is not only leading to people fleeing the continent but that it is also leading to no go areas. There is a danger of the increase in ghettoisation unless more is done to create an enabling and equitable environment that provides better outcomes for capable people who do not have a formal education.

If you would like to volunteer to participate in this project as part of the project team and/ or as a translator/ interpreter or as a general subscriber who is concerned about this issue and is willing to contribute ideas and engage in discussions, kindly signal your interest by emailing;

Please note it is not necessary to have any experience in team work in order to volunteer to be part of the project team. Typical roles for project team members are set out here; project roles

While translation/ interpretation experience is not necessary, kindly highlight if you do have any.